Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Having my god- and god-godbrothers around remind me why I wanted brothers so much.

  1. Can talk about boozing, although these days it’s more like me being amazed that they can booze so much and still be sober enough the next day to think about their next boozing session.

  2. Can poke fun at and tease them to my heart’s content and it’s likely they won’t respond in typical anal fashion like sis.

  3. They’ve got substantially meatier and muscular arms so it’s nicer to kinda slap them or thump them on the arms (even though I’m nicer now and don’t do it as often as I do to certain guy friends). I never or hardly do that to girl friends or sis because well, they’re female. Go figure.

  4. They’re handy to have around to lift and carry things.

  5. I can make fun of their or rather, god-godbrother’s fascination for sticking papers in the shredder at the office.

  6. Can silently laugh at their strange Hokkien accents.

  7. I’m usually more blunt with men, so the god- and god-godbrothers fall in this category.

  8. Can take them around town to try out new places to eat, order lots of food without feeling too guilty. And if there’s too much food, they can sapu the remainders.

  9. Listen with amusement and amazement their stories of travel and of life Down Under.

It’s their last day in town. They’re spending their last night in a city hotel so that they can get sinfully inebriated at the various watering holes and not have to worry about driving home. Of course, they’re also adding to their stash of home DVD collection. Already they’re talking about making the rounds from one bar to the next staying up till it’s closing time and actually entertaining the remote possibility of waking up in the morning for their free hotel buffet breakfast.


Sigh…I miss them already.

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