Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Sleeping Arrangements

For the third night in the row, I was going to sleep on the couch. Not because hubby and I had a row, but because I’d break into major hacking fits when I lied down. It was costing me precious sleep. Sunday night was bad. I had to surrender to the couch. Monday the cough had not subsided, but I tried sleeping in my bed. Again, I had to give up. Tuesday I told myself I’d just make the couch my bed.

Hubby was home after midnight and was a dear. I was curled up on the couch. He said he’d sleep on the carpet if I slept on the couch. I said, “Nolah! It’s OK. I should be able to manage the bed tonight.” He kept me company on the couch until he decided he’d had enough TV then we adjourned up to bed.

I didn’t cough. As much as the first two nights anyway.

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