Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Paid conversion

Overheard over the radio this morning:

"Bumiputera will be paid RM10,000 if they marry any orang asli. This will encourage more orang asli to convert to Islam."

Claiming your reward in heaven is not good enough nowadays. People need to be financially stimulated to go out and convert by way of marriage.

What is the country coming to? This is just one of the many idiotic and mindless, not to mention heavy-handed ways that is so rampant in this country which gets harder to bear as I grow older.

The student selection for spots in higher education; the allocation of courses when they are selected; business dealings with the government; the failing education system that has resulted in and is still producing students who lack the ability to think; the whole NEP.

We are almost half a decade old and we are still "moving forward" on an archaic system, calling ourselves a developed nation. We are still very much in the nascent stage of developing, much less developed.

Soon they'll be offering the bumis cash and housing incentives to marry all non-muslim citizens just to increase the muslim population.


Anonymous said...

They won't offer cash to bumi's to increase their population... Why should they when our Indon neighbour have got a steady and willing supply of people.

You'd be amazed how quickly an Indon construction worker is able to get a red IC (I've even seen some of them hold blue ones) as compared to another person who is of a different religion - some even after > 10 years of living and contributing here, still have a visitors permit (which they have to renew annually)

Ashkarya said...

maybe not cash but the announcer definitely mentioned the sum of RM10k.

yes, it's really sad that i know people from other countries who have married locals, lived here for yonks, are dutifully contributing their time and effort by lawfully working but yet can't seem to get PR status. these are the non-muslims. i generally only know of the non-muslim cases. i haven't heard of any muslim cases like these. we're talking westerners as well as asians.

what's wrong with the government here? and the brain drain!! our best and brightest scholars (most of them chinese) have been and are still being offered scholarships to top universities in singapore while they can't even get into a local u here. it is just so unfair that singapore is laying claim to our brains!! once they're there, why would they come back? how can these students claim to be patriotic when their own country doesn't offer them the opportunity that another country can? and then the government turns around and tells them off that they should be patriotic and what not! what have they done for those students that warrants that patriotism? Nothing!!

I just can't stand it that we're losing our best and brightest to other countries while we're stuck with sub-par, mediocre people just because of the stupid system.

sigh...ok, enough said.

Freebooterz said...

I think to me I don't really care much about what the government does or don't do. As long as they dont have their nose up my ass. The country is still large enough for ambivalent people like me to live in peace without concerning about the government. I don't like the government, I don't trust a word they say, I don't believe they are capable of doing the right thing.

We can be like little "Vaticans" living inside the larger Italy! Who cares who runs the government, we do our own thing, make our own money, send our kids to private/chinese schools, and if they hate that, we leave and go someplace else.

The world is a big place. We can find our own little corner.

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