Wednesday, July 26, 2006

My cup runneth over (or so I would like to think)

There is something not quite right with my bra today. Either I’m sprouting or the clasp has gone awry. It’s unclasped itself about three times already just this morning. It’s never happened before.

Dare I think it? Dare I even hope that my breasts have taken it into their twin heads to suddenly go on a sprouting spree?

Or is it just my two-month old bra starting to fail on me?

I think I’ll be realistic and bank on the latter. No point getting my hopes up only to have them dashed.


Anonymous said...

Hmm.. maybe they're getting ready for someone who's coming to visit in nine months time..

Ashkarya said...

hmm...don't think so. it's only just this bra. hahahah. anyway, i love jack sparrow too. how do i comment on your page???? can't find the comment icon.

Anonymous said...

I think you've mistaken me for someone else...

Ashkarya said...

hmm...alamak. maybe. sorry. so who are you then?? i'm curious...

Ashkarya said... must be sasha's (marisa) friend. but which one? i thought you were sasha!! oops!

Ashkarya said...


catlick = amanda.


unless i just made another blundering fool of myself, doi!

Anonymous said...

hahahahah!!! wrong!!!

Ashkarya said...

oh who??


tell lah!!!

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