Sunday, July 09, 2006

Shooting the rich

At a photo shoot recently, I discovered that:

  • I really am a klutz. Let me illustrate why. The shoot was at some big-shot’s daughter’s wedding. Needless to say, the house was huge; it had a gazebo, guardhouse and even proper bathroom facilities behind the guardhouse, right off the gazebo. I needed the loo before the main shoot began. I used the “outdoor” toilet. We’re not talking outhouse here, we’re talking full-blown toilet with proper wall-to-wall mirror and lotions, sink, the works. I was washing my hands at the sink when I turned the tap to shut the water. One turn was all it took when the tap head came off in my hands and water started gushing out. Panicked, I stuck the tap head back on and managed to get it screwed back. Unfortunately, when I turned the tap to shut the water, nothing happened. The water would not stop flowing. Great! It could only happen to me. So I had to holler out to Ivan, get him to get his friend, the organizer, who in turn got the guards to look at the problem. In that time, we snuck out of the area and disappeared from sight. Like I said, it could only happen to me, klutz that I am.

  • You really can do almost anything if you are rich. Like, have the wedding of your dreams, if you so wanted. The bride was young: 21. She’s apparently crazy over lomo which explains why Ivan had dragged Aisha and me to shoot our hearts out at the wedding. The house and garden were done up in style: orange and dragonflies, apparently the bride’s favourites. The house was carpeted in orange; the hantaran was in orange decked out with bejeweled dragonflies; dragonfly lights hung from the ceiling; orange posies hung from the ceiling; orange lollipops were stuffed into baskets, ready to be given out to guests. Orange spots were stuck on the backs of the dinner chairs. Orange gauze was strewn around the tables; the pelamin sported orange cushions. The road in front of the house was blocked up; flat-screen TVs were strategically placed so dinner guests could view the akad nikah taking place inside the house. It was elaborate, it was quite grand and reeked of money. Time and effort too, of course. There were a slew of professional photographers buzzing around. Like I said, if you’re rich, you can have the wedding of your dreams. This was just the akad nikah. The actual dinner reception was to be held at a hotel the next night and another dinner/reception in Penang as well.

  • I have no sense of propriety. My timing for inappropriateness is immaculate. It was evident that I was the only underdressed person in the whole ceremony during the akad nikah. I was dressed for comfort; it was a hot day and I knew it’d be crowded. So I was the only female there with no sleeves on her arms. It felt a bit awkward but I’ve been in worse situations.

  • If you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything. Before the night was over, all the orange swirly lollipops had been given out to the guests. Even as Ivan scoured the house and its surroundings, he couldn’t get his hands on any for Aisha nor myself. I decided to take things into my own hands. First, of course, I did as Ivan: scoured the house and kitchen for any leftover lollipops. Only when it was clear there were none did I go to Plan B. I spied on the dinner tables. There were guests who looked like they were leaving and they had left their lollipops behind. I snuck up behind one table and as unobtrusive a manner as possible, swiped the two lollipops left on the table. Mission accomplished.

  • Some people are just too emotional for words. What is it with some people? When the groom was reciting the words to confirm that he wanted to wed the bride, the bride’s sisters started sniffling and then outright  gushing. I was baffled. It’s just words. What’s the big deal?

That said, the shoot was fun in itself, mainly because I got the chance to whip out my lca and put it to good use. I’d just about abandoned it into a corner of the closet for lack of inspiration for shooting.

I hope the photos turn out.

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