Monday, February 12, 2007

Brain drain

I wonder how some women are able to be pregnant and continue putting in the same amount of focus and concentration at work that they used to before they began growing their baby.

These days, I'm either too tired or cranky or hungry or just plain uncomfortable in my work clothes (no I'm not being stubborn; my maternity pants are too long and I haven't had time to get them altered and there are only so many days I can wear skirts to work) to concentrate on work as I used to. I never had much patience before but it's riding on an even shorter leash these days. Anyone who fails to get my point or perform to expectations usually gets a lambasting.

I tried doing sums in my head. This is just counterchecking on claims forms submitted by my sales team. Not only am I not able to add up the sums mentally, my apparent dwindling lack of skill with the calculator had me redoing the sums at least 3 or 4 times before I managed to tally the totals of each person's claims. This is with the help of an electronic calculator! If that isn't bad or an indication that my brain is getting royally fried, I don't know what is.

Not only am I not able to concentrate mentally, my body seems to be able to focus physically on one task at a time. After meals, I'm washed over by such a heavy wave of sleepiness that I could probably fall asleep in the restaurant right in the chair if not for the fact that to do so would land my head unceremoniously in my plate. I probably couldn't stand the embarrassment and humiliation. So instead, I try to follow conversation while trying not to seem too rude or uninterested, usually leaning back in my chair and sliding down several inches or so. I haven't slid off one yet, I'm just wondering when that will happen.

I really, truly admire the business or career women out there who can somehow figure a way of winging it all together and making it all look so damn easy. While my own pregnancy does not seem to have been especially harsh - no morning sickness, no debillitating back pain - yet, not too much ballooning - I'm somewhat low on the energy and concentration levels. It's a wonder how some of these women can jetset around for work sometimes almost all the way until they end up in the delivery room (I thought airline companies don't allow heavily pregnant women on their planes?) or how some of them carry on with their work just as focused and concentrated as if that growing bump was just another minor speed bump in their career path: slow down just before and then speed up right after, back on track in no time.

I'm happy just to be able to get through the day without feeling like I need a 5-hour nap after lunch or making sure that my tongue doesn't get entirely tied and twisted over itself so I can coherently deliver a sales presentation without looking like my brain just got dissolved in acid.

Oh, and of course, who can forget those blasted claims forms?

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