Friday, March 30, 2007

Big = Clumsy

Somehow the size of my belly has a direct corelation to how klutzy I can get. It seems as though the bigger I get, the clumsier I am. These days I find myself having to tread very carefully if I want to ensure safe passage throughout the day.

It amazes me that each day presents hazards which I've never faced before, the most common of which seems to be slipping: on thin air, on water, on talcum powder, on fur, on a slippery mat. The second most common hazard plaguing my days is of course, bumping the growing protrusion that is my belly into something.

So in addition to watching where I'm going to avoid bumping my belly uneccesarily, I have to watch what and where I step on. The smallest of irregularities can tip me off balance. It's more than a little alarming to think how much more imbalanced I could get in a few more months down the road.

I suppose as soon as I lose sight of my feet, I've got to attach a sort of CCTV on my underbelly to provide me with a better view of what's going on down there under my feet. But then again, who walks looking at their feet?

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