Thursday, May 24, 2007

S'pore vs. M'sia : Part II

Hubby received his new toy - a Blackberry - from the new company. It runs on SingTel.

Upon arriving home, he called SingTel to activate the device or to troubleshoot, I forget which. The customer service rep gave him the contact number of a technician and told him that the technician would call him to walk him through, and if said technician doesn't call within 30 minutes, he should call customer service again to report.

SingTel: 15, TMNet: 0

The technician called a few minutes later.

SingTel: 30, TMNet: 0

There were various problems with activating and sending emails via the Blackberry but the point of this story is that for SingTel to actually troubleshoot the device and connection, they'd have to do it via the Maxis platform here, which they did. And throughout the day, there was dialogue and follow up with hubby on status. They not only called but sent test emails to the device.

What has TMNet done for our faulty and non-functioning Streamyx connection so far? Tell me time and again that the case has been 'escalated to the highest level' and refused to give out the direct contact to their technicians.

SingTel: 40, TMNet: 0

I think the Blackberry is working now, am not sure, have not checked with hubby. On the other hand, we're still stuck without a Streamyx connection.

So, compare the both, since they are similar cooperations in that it's SingTel and TMNet. How is it that just across the causeway, customer service and timely response is exemplary while we are languishing here in the muck of mediocrity?

For the whole experience, this is how I'd sum up the score:

Game, set and match to SingTel.


Anonymous said...

sArCAsTiC yEt PoiNtLeSs. WoRlD cLaSs FacIlItIeS wItH sUb-StAnDaRD SeRViCe Is OuR bEnChmArK tO dAtE.
rEGaRDlEsS , I aM sTiLl GlAd to Be BaCk HoMe In Kl So LaIdBaCk WhEre tIdAk-ApA atTiTuDe Is So PrEVaLeNt aS tHe GrEetInG gOeS wElCoMe To BoLEh-LaNd.

Ai Ling said...

tell me abt it. we had problem with our corporate streamyx line so we kept calling and calling (at least 2x a day for a few weeks) but got the same answer "already escalated to our technical team". When asked when they estimate to fix the problem, they said they cannot tell.

Hallo??? These ppl got no SLA one is it?! Geez!

marineko said...

hahahah, if i remember correctly, one of my friends have the same problem with streamyx. she ranted like a madwoman on the phone to streamyx, until they sent one of their supervisors to go to her place and personally fix her connection.

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