Thursday, August 23, 2007

Back to the Breast

Our follow-up check with the paeditrician today gave Sophie a clean bill of health; her jaundice level has dropped from 255 to 137. We're back on breast milk solely from here on!! (I was beginning to wonder if I'd need a new freezer just to store the bags of EBM (expressed breast milk) piling up.)

Current weight: 4.7kg up from 3.6kg last week. Whoa!! The formula we've been feeding her twice a night or the increased intake of breast milk? No wonder my confinement lady's arm feels numb from trying to lull her to sleep in the wee hours of the morning.

I've decided to take Sophie out for a walk tomorrow morning. Would be good to get some fresh air into her lungs (then again, I don't know how fresh is fresh, seeing as how polluted our air is). In any case, a little bit of sun ought to do her good.

In the meantime, we've got to try to figure out why she's been fussy these past few days. My guess is my increased intake of low fat milk as well as her introduction to regular (cow's milk) formula.

We'll test that theory this week and see.

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