Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Cow is Leaky

There must be some malfunction with either my Avent collection shells, my boobs or my bra. For the life of me, I cannot fathom why it is that my bra gets soaked when I use my Avent collection shells. For the uninitiated, these collection shells 'collect' the milk leaking from whichever boob that Sophia is not on when she's nursing. Because of the 'let down' reflex, the boob that she's not nursing from will also produce milk the same time as the boob she's nursing from.

So, instead of letting that precious breast milk go to waste, we busy moms let them pool in collection shells instead.

Unfortunately for me, my collection shells seem to have sprung a leak. Whichever side I place the shell on and in whichever bra it is that I'm wearing, the milk seems to be seeping through the silicone backing of the shell and soaking into my bra. Sigh...at first I thought it was the bra or the positioning of the shell but after a number of repeat incidences and on different boobs with different bras, I think my collection shells have outlived their usefulness.

I have begun to let the milk just seep into my disposable breast pads. It's just been getting too tedious to slip the shell into my bra while Sophia is screaming her lungs out in her classic impatient manner and then only to discover halfway through her very blissful feed that one side of my bra and T-shirt are soaking wet. Urgh! I'd rather let 0.5 - 1oz of milk go to waste. At least I'd still be in a clean dry T-shirt and bra.

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