Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Like Snorting Coke...and Getting Seriously Addicted

Not that I've snorted coke but I hear it is THAT addictive. My only brush with anything that can be remotely called a drug would be smoking grass in Amsterdam some xx years back.

No, this addiction is even worse: it's easily available and hardly costs. It's Facebook. I shouldn't have listened in to the conversation sis and Sam were having on this 'thing' that they called Facebook. I caught whiffs of the conversation: vampire, zombie, pirates...

So I checked it out. Bad idea.

I don't go without a day checking into Facebook and seeing what my other friends have been doing to me or to other friends. My pirate gets bombed quite a bit but luckily I always bury my loot before I set sail again. I get Superpoked often as well. People have stopped sending me stuff for My Aquarium and My Garden. I provoke Fights and so far, have joined several groups and supported a few Causes. People still keep sending me new apps and games to add on and I just have to learn to sift them out.

Other than keeping an eye on Sophia and eating/sleeping according to her schedule (my dinner can be as late as 9pm and bedtime as early as 2am), life at the moment revolves around Facebook and some work.

I gotta go check if anyone's tried to bomb me again. So much for blogging...

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