Wednesday, October 03, 2007

What We're Known For

This was going to be a whole piece, a proper post with reasoning and more of my own opinions. I decided to scrap that; it's just too tedious and a waste of my time.

Last night, Malaysia made the E! Entertainment news when Beyonce decided to cancel her concert to KL because of our stringent dress code for performers. She's not Gwen. Instead she's sashaying her bootilicious self over to Indonesia where her legions of fans will get to see her shake her booty.


This morning, as if the blow of receiving the news on E! Entertainment wasn't enough, the same spot of news surfaced on CNN. Migawd! We made the news on CNN. Over a bit of clothing, or rather, lack of.

Double sigh.

Yes, unlike our neighbour, we tout ourselves as a modern and progressive Muslim country but look who's progressive enough to allow Beyonce to perform lock, stock and bootilicious barrel.

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