Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Heart of The Matter

Surfing the cable in Singapore, we came across the Indonesian national TV station; a national Christmas sermon was being broadcast. What's interesting here is that you would never see the Malaysian equivalent of national TV - RTM1 or RTM2 - broadcast a Christian/Christmas sermon. EVER.

One can only imagine the brouhaha that would emerge if such a programme was broadcast. Let's not even start. Malaysian leaders and certain quarters of the Malaysian population can be the most insensitive and hypocritical people around. Don't believe it? Click
here to find out.

I stand corrected, however. Malaysian leaders are generally insensitive to people of other religions and races. They are TOO sensitive when it comes to their religion: Islam. Too many instances have occurred where this or that is construed as being insulting to Islam, the latest being

I wonder why we keep insisting that we're a multi-racial country? But then again I forget, what we say can only be taken at face value. Or maybe it's that we have to keep reminding ourselves that we are a multi-racial country despite the obvious Islamisation and disregard the country's leaders (and a portion of the Islamic community) have for all the other religions and races that make up Malaysia.

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