Thursday, February 21, 2008

Week 28 : Practicing for Mount Everest

Our girl must think she is the world's most intrepid explorer. All she wants to do is stand or find objects (people included) to help her in her quest to stand on her two tiny chubby feet. It takes her less time to get up and stand supported than for me to say, "Such a good girl!". She's learned to manouvre around in her walker; she gets around in the living room, sashays her way into the kitchen to pull at the notices stuck on the fridge and of course, makes small play of chasing after the kitties.

I've discovered that cooking for her really is quite fun. I haven't cooked so much and so consistently in my life. I spend the weekend preparing batches of food for her. Usually what gets dumped into the cooking pot are pumpkins, carrots, leeks, sweet potato, spinach, lentils or some form or combination of one or the other. Sometimes there'll be a little too much left over after pureeing and we'll have that for ourselves. Soup never tasted this good at the shops!

She caused a little stir over the Chinese New Year: her bright countenance and affinity with people made her easy to get along with and the adults had a field day playing with her or taking it in turns carrying her. I didn't have the heart to put a dress or skirt on her so she ended up looking the little boy.

She's started to want to chew her food. Must have picked up on my own chewing action; to save time in the mornings, I have my breakfast while I'm feeding her and make a big show of chewing. She's a fast learner. I've also started showing and teaching her the sign for 'drink'. Like I said, she learns fast; she understands when I make the sign and readily opens her mouth wide to take a gulp from the bottle but hasn't learned how to sign herself yet.

The little imp is growing up fast. Sigh...too fast. Feels like she's attempting and accomplishing so much and before I know it, she'll be an adult already. Argh! I get the blues when I see young adults these days and envision her as one of them. Why can't they stay this age forever?

She does love to eat though. No matter what I cook for her, she downs with gusto. She loves papaya too. So far, the only thing about feeding her is that she gets distracted really easily, especially if the kitties streak across her field of vision. Then she'd rather watch them and munch the high chair than her food. Or maybe it's just her way of telling me she's had enough and that I'd better get that bowl out of her sight.

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