Thursday, May 22, 2008

Week 40 : Life Gets More Interesting

Here's why:
  1. She crawled (yeah, not quite walking yet but it's ok) on her own from the living room into the bedroom, got onto her mattress on the floor, took hold of her cloth, chucked her pacifier into her mouth and rolled around, getting ready for a nap. I was in the kitchen.
  2. Opens drawers and cupboard doors.
  3. Her two front teeth are starting to show.
  4. She's getting more discerning about her food. Likes most food (scrambled eggs, pureed junk, etc.) mixed in with mildly cooked brown rice porridge, if not, will refuse after a few mouthfuls.
  5. Loves books and will come over and swat away yours if she sees you reading one. Then she'll take it and turn the pages herself.
  6. Occasionally she'll sprawl face first on the floor, attempting to lick clean the spot where her tongue is.
  7. Can give directions by kicking her legs and pulling your shirt in the general direction of where she wants to go when you're carrying her.
  8. Enjoys a good slapstick routine: laughs maniacally while farting for good measure.
  9. Can control her limbs and has a better sense of balance when she tries to get off the couch.
  10. Uses your prone body on her mattress as a step up to our bed.
  11. Can turn the bathroom tap on and off.
  12. Sometimes she will stare at your mouth to discern what you're saying.
  13. Skillfully maneuvers and drinks from her two different sippy cups (one flows freely, the other requires serious sucking action).
  14. Will stick her hand into the box to draw out her favourite snack: a Teddy Puff.
  15. Uses her index finger for most complicated maneuvers.
  16. Is steadily on the way to becoming a TV addict.

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