Friday, September 05, 2008

The Milestone That Almost Rolled Away

Before I forget, Sophia started walking sometime between her 13th month mark and her 13.5 month mark. I don't know exactly when. All I know is one minute she was crawling around on her mat at home and the next, she was so focused on getting to the colourful ball at the playgym that she was actually walking. It was definitely that one day at the playgym that triggered the neurons that made her realise that she could do this all on her own, more than once.

Then again, it could also have been all the other kids walking all around her while she was the only lazy one crawling.

1 comment:

Dean Arif said...

It's definitely the motivation from looking at older kids walk about! If you have #2, he/she will learn to walk faster than Sophia, you just wait and see, haha!

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