Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Keeping Up-To-Date

So, at someone's request, I'm gonna try to update everyone on the latest right now without sounding too long-winded or haphazard.

We've finally succumbed and gotten ourselves a helper. Her name's Jona and she's a godsend. She's amazing with Sophie and the apartment no longer looks like the aftermath of a hurricane storm.

Sophie's now pretty much potty-trained and credit has to go to Jona, who has infinitely loads more patience than I do. It doesn't help that Sophia usually chooses to have an accident whenever I'm around in the house.

Our fridge decided that it was time to start preparing us for its demise (by cranking up the temp so that the food hardly felt chilled) but the day after our landlord had taken a look at it and decided to replace it with a brand spanking new one, it seems to have suddenly recuperated from its bout of sickness and appears to be working fine (just to spite us?). The new fridge is being delivered this week. Can you say, guilty? Or maybe it's just that our landlord was way too efficient. Either way, we're getting a new fridge.

We flew Tiger Airways back to KL and had a fun time running around at the children's play area while getting Sophia to finish her lunch. There was a children's play area. In the Singapore budget terminal. How. Cool. Is. That. Oh, and Tiger Air too is cooler than AirAsia. Any budget airline that allows you to select seats is cool. I know AirAsia will feature that soon but come on, being the last one to do so? Sigh.

Sophia started her swim classes. She LOVES it. And I discovered that 30 minutes for a swim class really isn't too short for a toddler's attention span or energy level. In fact, 10 minutes more and it's chaos.

We've also started a couple of trial playgroup sessions to decide which ones we want to attend. Most likely, mommy will veer towards the one that is best accessed via MRT (The Forum is so much easier to get to than Suntec via the train).

Oh, and Singapore can be hot but KL can be hotter any day!!!


Freebooterz said...

Note on that fridge, it seems to be working normally these days, almost too good. Like it knows its being dumped.

Ivan Lim said...

'Someone' thanks you for the updates.
Not naming who.

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