Monday, June 15, 2009

Photo Field Trip #1: Bukit Batok Nature Reserve

Objective: to shoot using Aperture priority setting.

Result: lots of cursing from me. Why?
  1. The biggest culprit: my damn flimsy tripod. Now I know why the pros use tripods that cost into the thousands. Sigh. At least the rest of the newbies had tripods as flimsy as mine.
  2. Because of said tripod, most shots turned out blurry thus prompting more curses.
  3. Said tripod also took loads of manouvering to get the right angles and height.
  4. Being short sucks! Especially if most of your subjects are situated rather high (the low-lying flowers were being hogged).
  5. After 9am, it was so hot that I was burning up from standing in the sun trying to shoot leaves.
I managed a few good shots among the many I took. Could have been better, though.

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