Monday, August 31, 2009

Books Bought

Have been on a buying spree lately. Books ordered from Amazon and also a splurge at Kino due to their 20% anniversary discount. All these were bought in batches, not all at once, thank goodness. This may give you an idea of where I'm headed at this point of my creative pursuits. Sadly, the library has not missed my presence much (life goes on at the library). I've missed taking the short bus ride there but am putting my fiction reading on hold for now.
  1. Digital Photography: The Digital Photography Book, Vols. 1-3 - Scott Kelby
  2. Layers: The Complete Guide To Photoshop's Most Powerful Feature - Matt Kosklowski
  3. The Hot Shoe Diaries - Joe McNally
  4. The Adobe Photoshop CS4 Book For Digital Photographers - Scott Kelby
  5. The Adobe Lightroom Book for Digital Photogtaphers - Scott Kelby
  6. The Creative Family - Amanda Blake Soul
  7. Happens Every Day: An All-Too-True Story - Isabel Gillies
  8. Simply Sublime Bags: 30 No-Sew, Low-Sew Projects - Jodi Kahn
  9. Bend-The-Rules Sewing - Amy Karol
  10. Zakka Sewing: 25 Japanese Projects For The Household - Therese Laskey, Chika Mori
  11. Martha Stewart's Encyclopedia of Crafts - Martha Stewart
  12. Julie & Julia - Julie Powell
  13. My Life In France - Julia Child
  14. Not Quite What I was Planning: Six-Word Memoirs - Ed. Smith Magazine
  15. The Cats Of Kittyville: New Lifes For Rescued Felines: Best Friends Animal Society
  16. Cookie's Week - Cindy Ward
  17. Twinkles, Arthur and Puss - Judith Kerr
  18. Dogtown: A Sanctuary For Rescued Dogs - Bob Somerville


Ling said...

I wanna read #15!!! I have a book on how Best Friends came about.

#18 sounds familiar... hmmm...

Ashkarya said...

There's a story in there and picture of a kitten/cat who has no front paws!! such a bright and intelligent face! he leaps. oh dear, hope i didn't already buy dogtown. maybe you have it? it's the sister book to kittyville.

Ling said...

Borrow please! When you are done :-)

I have this one :
Best Friends: The True Story of the World's Most Beloved Animal Sanctuary

I dunno about Dogtown, can't remember, too many books :P but it does sound familiar, hehe...

Freebooterz said...

I'm sure I've seen Dogtown somewhere...

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