Thursday, October 01, 2009

Puzzle Mania

Sophia loves jigsaw puzzles. LOVES them. Not a day goes by without her bringing out her Pooh, Mickey, animal or Totoro puzzles. Not just once a day, frequently three or four times a day.

The downside to having a puzzle crazy child is that I have to do the puzzles with her. Usually she doesn't require any help. She just wants you to sit with her and turn the pieces the right side around. Or she'll take out a puzzle for you to do while she does another.

We have a few sets of puzzles we recycle over and over and over again daily. Over. And. Over. And. Over. AND. OVER.

It's starting to drive me bonkers.

I think I may just go out there and get myself a 1000 piece puzzle just to crack the monotony.

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