Friday, June 04, 2010

It's Just A Simple Question

I needed to find out about a location of store I wanted to get to in Subang Jaya. Turns out it's harder than I thought to find out where a place is located.

I started out the conversation:

"Hi, where are you located?"

"Er..." In the background I hear her calling for another girl.


"Hi, where's your shop located?"

"Located?" Pause. "You hold on, ah." In the background I hear her calling for a guy.


"Hi, where are you located?"

It's only when the man answers and on the THIRD try that I get an answer to what I thought was a simple question, plus directions to boot. And I had to ask a total number of THREE times, addressed to THREE different people.

What is happening to the state of English and the comprehension of the language in our country? Going to pots!

1 comment:

The Chair Speaks said...

Sigh! It's easier to google directions first before going than phone and ask for directions.

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