Monday, July 26, 2010

This Is How We Do It

The birthday celebrations didn't happen at home. Small fry shared her birthday with classmates in play school. I think she enjoyed it. Or rather, the boys in class did.

These are the lovelies. The last three rows on the right got a little smooshed as we were getting out of the bus.

Living it up with her friends at play school. The girl in yellow on her left is her best friend, Chiara. Notice the lack of girls in class.

Party favours were given out while the kids were waiting for parents to come pick them up. This is the part that everyone enjoys, especially the boys.

The aftermath and the stragglers.

All in all, I think it was a good one. Small fry's first class party (that was her own). I hope there'll be many more (mummy's just too lazy to book a playgym, get the invites done, invite all mummies, daddies and kids, etc.). Yup, class parties are cool!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Happy 3rd, Sweetie!

Happy, happy Birthday, Small Fry! Love, love, love...Mum.

Could you find a happier three year-old?

Monday, July 12, 2010

WC Withdrawal Symptoms

It's over and I'm still not over it.

I missed the match during extra time as I needed to get small fry into bed. But rushed out when I heard shouts of "Goal!" waft up from outside the open window and caught Iniesta's goal on replay.

This morning I had to TV on to catch the extra time replay and celebrated with the Spaniards when they hoisted the trophy.

It's now almost 3pm and I'm still scanning the news online for World Cup-related stories.

I can't believe it's all over and I have to wait another four years to feel the excitement and emotion again, this time staged in Brazil.


Sob. Sob.

The team though, to watch out for in Brazil: Germany.

It's Over!


I am ecstatic that Spain has won the World Cup. I've always admired their style and precision and they are deserving of the title and trophy. Especially after the way they were harassed and harangued by the Dutch. Urgh, if the Dutch have to resort to physical tactics and fouls to trip up a worthier opponent, it shows just how good bad they are at the game. The germans at least had more class and sportsmanship than to resort to such tactics. It was an ugly game to watch.

And what a beautiful goal, right at the end by Iniesta. I love watching the Spaniards play, even though they didn't get to 'play' much against the Dutch aggression yesterday.

No matter, they won.

Viva Espana!

P.S. Small fry was a vocal couch spectator in both the Spain-Germany game and the final between Spain & Netherlands.
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