Sunday, January 30, 2011

Year Of The Bunny

Here's a thought: I hope people are not rushing out to buy bunnies since it's the year of the rabbit, knowing the Chinese and their penchant for all things to hail in prosperity.

Here's another thought: what happens to those bunnies when the year of the dragon rolls in?

Nothing bad, I hope.

Here's to all the bunnies out there, especially those at the pet stores.


The Chair Speaks said...

Well, for year of the dragon, there probably will be iguanas or monitor lizards as komodor dragons are way too dangerous! :D

Kat said...

Both Rizal and I were born in the year of the rabbit! Sara too.
As for the dragon - hmmm... where can we find dragons these days?

Ling said...

Remember the Nessa bunny we say at Pets Wonderland waaaay back when it was still at Subang Parade? I wonder what happened to it.... :-S

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