Saturday, September 24, 2005


I left a bowl of cat kibble out last night.

On arriving home from dinner, we found a scruffy Siamese looking cat lurking outside the house. When I tried to approach it, it slinked away.

When Rizal went out later, Siamese was under his car.

So I left out a bowl of the furballs’ food for it.

In the morning, the food was gone.


I was taking another bowl of cat kibble out tonite, thinking I’d be nice and feed whichever kitty was out there lost and wandering.

I saw a different cat this time.

It was white, male and quite the tom cat. But he looked clean, and he seemed to be chewing on something outside my garbage area.

“Not the clumped up, chewy gunk of kitty litter, I hope,” I thought. The very same gunk I stepped into and had to wash off my flip flops last night (the clump of litter had spilt out of the garbage bag when the garbage guys had come to collect it, and since it rained substantially yesterday, had turned into goo.)

I closed the outer door of the garbage area and left the bowl of cat kibble as tom cat was sauntering away. He hesitated when I rattled the kibble in the plastic bowl.

I’m quite sure I’ll find the bowl empty tomorrow morning.

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