Monday, March 13, 2006

I thought it was something special

A strange phenomenon has been presenting itself to me during my drive to work most mornings. The roads are smoother, albeit just barely and there seem to be less cars jostling for space and cutting lanes. This is especially true for most Mondays. And today! Wow!! The roads were a breeze! Are people taking longer weekend breaks? Using up their annual leave before it gets forfeited? Or has 30 sen the petrol hike sent people scrambling for scant public transportation?

Then I realized the date today: 13th March. Dang! My wonderment and joy fizzled out like a blown light bulb; it’s the school holidays. We only get this one week of bliss on the roads. Come March 20th, the parents will be rushing their kids in their beemers and s-classes to their schools and school buses will be once again vying for a piece of the road.

Someone should maybe advocate home schooling. I would not only get an additional 20 minutes of sleep in the mornings, we would all be less grumpy and stressed getting into the workplace.

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