Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Now I know what I've been missing all along

I have a new toy.

It’s my new mobile: the Sony Ericsson K750i. Yes, I’m a copycat. I’ve gone and bought my sister’s phone. Only difference is, since I bought it much later than she did, I got it a cheaper price.

Oh, and I went out and got a crumpler for it too, and a screen protector. So now if I ever decide to murder my phone, it won’t be killed so easily: it’s somewhat insulated by the Crumpler.

I now have more fun with the K750i as an MP3 player than anything else. There’s just so much joy in varying my ringtones and working with kick-ass phone camera that I’ve suddenly developed a strong attachment to the device. I find myself staring at my phone in admiration more than once and wishing someone to call me just so I can hear the ringtone.

Call me a freak. I’m proud of it.

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