Friday, July 14, 2006

Herding cattle into slaughter

Day 1 Asiaworks

The atmosphere and attitude of the staffers and people are akin to an MLM outfit, especially when the doors to the training room burst open and the staffers in their black 2-pieces start asking people to head into the room and be seated.

I feel like cattle being herded to calls of “Fill up the front rows, please!”. I take an instant dislike to these people who are telling me where to sit. So I’m especially difficult when some of them try to move me up a row or so.

“Would you like to sit up in the front?” asks this girl with short blonde hair.


“Are you shy?”


There’s a pause and I can tell she’s unsure how to proceed. And I just keep quiet till she walks away.

I’m such a bitch, hahah!!


It is a pleasant surprise when the trainer, Ken Ito, walks up and starts off enthusiastically in pleasant American English.

The session is interesting as I discover how pertinent he is and how he always has to direct the person (whom he’s asked a question) back to the question at hand. People never seem to hear what it is that they are being asked and never give an answer that is relevant to the question.

I rediscover things about myself that I already knew. That discovery reinforces my own view of myself. It is nothing that I am not aware of but surprisingly which many people are truly not aware of about themselves.

I met a couple of interesting people, managed to stay awake and fairly alert even though I was dangerously close to becoming a narcoleptic after four hours of training. Not because of the subject matter, but because I was just generally exhausted.

Day 1 ended with all participants restating what they want to accomplish at the training in their own small groups.

I left trying to figure out how I’d be able to get my sis in for the guest event (it’s compulsory to attend and to bring a guest as part of the training) at the end of the training session without her chewing my ear off about how much she hates Asiaworks.

I’m still working on it.


Ai Ling said...

Haha, good luck :p U're not the first person singing praises abt Asiaworks to me, nor I dun foresee u to be the last.

It didn't work the last time my friend tried to persuade me.

Plus I dun have RM1700 (is it still the same or has the price gone up?) nor do I want to spend RM1700 to have someone tell me what and how I should feel about myself and things/ppl/situations in my life.


Ashkarya said...

Did I sing praises? I didn't say that much about it last night, did I?

You don't have to worry about me persuading you. I just need you to go on Wednesday because I promised to bring a guest and you were the first person that came to mind.

All I ask is that you be open, that's all.

Whether you decide you want to spend RM1700 for someone to tell you what to think and believe is up to you.

Ai Ling said...

If I need to register or something, I'm gonna give them a fake phone no. so they won't be able to contact me.

Haha! *evil grin*

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