Thursday, February 15, 2007

If only my friends knew

Being pregnant addles the brains.

Just recently I bumped into a friend at dinner. The face was familiar and since he said hi, I acknowledged him. We got to chatting but at the back of my mind I was frantically trying to remember who this guy was. I had ABSOLUTELY. NO. IDEA. Other than the fact that I knew him from somewhere, I could not, for the life of me, figure out who he was, what was his name, when I'd met him, how I knew him, who we both knew, I just could not place him. If he'd looked closer, he could have seen the beads of sweat forming on my brow and threatening to rain down my face. Luckily, the lighting was far from perfect.

It wasn't until about 5 minutes or so into the conversation when he made a reference to his work and someone we mutually knew that it hit me; so THAT'S who he is!

Needless to say, I was as relieved as if someone had come put out a major fire forming at my feet. I didn't have to look like a complete moron and ask him who the hell he was after 5 minutes of conversation.

You would think this is an isolated case but no, this is the second time this has happened to me since I found out I was pregnant. The first incident was worse: I walked away without an inkling of who the guy was. And I hadn't asked. It wasn't until I'd jogged my memory thoroughly the next hour after the encounter that I hit on the answer.

Today, I told myself to remember to buy cat food for the kitties before I came back home. We're down to the bottom of the tub and there's not one bit left for dinner. Of course, I came home and totally forgot about the poor kitties until I walked in the front door.

Five more months to go, five more months to go...

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