Monday, March 09, 2009

Lift Off!

Swinging up a storm at Pasir Ris Park.

On our first trip to Pasir Ris Park, we were late; it was noon and the slides were hot to the touch. The swings were a pain to wait for and the park looked like it was parched and dying.

On our second trip to the park, we were early. Too early. We got there at around 8:30am and there was still dew on the slides. Good thing about it, though, was that the swings were pretty much ours to hog. So hog we did. Until Sophia decided she'd had enough and said, "Done!" and so we moved on to the now slightly drier slides. The park looked lush, verdant and green, thanks to the days of rain we'd had.

The highlight of the Sunday was a play we went to, specifically for kids aged 2 and above. Called Bedtime, it was a hoot! We weren't sure how the little munchkin would react to sitting down and watching two adult men play at romping around during bedtime (oh, it's all good, clean fun, I assure you) but she thoroughly loved it! So much more than we expected. She yelled out a few choice words, "There!", "Put back!" and jumped up and down and appeared excited whenever there was somersaulting and rolling and general funny bits. She didn't squirm or make a fuss like some kids did. She as attentive and understood the funny antics the two performers were doling out.

Only 45 mins long, it was a 45 mins well-spent, exposing her to the arts and we'll be looking out for more programs to take her along to. We enjoyed watching her reactions as much as we enjoyed the show ourselves.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Is that a picture of her jumping? She sounded so cute when she said "Put back". Did she mean she wanted more - don't stop?


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