Thursday, May 07, 2009

Singapore Is More Book-Happening Than Malaysia

I rest my case. I've always thought that Singapore was always more in-the-know and happening as far as books are concerned. Well, even the National Library has Daniel Waters' Generation Dead while I got no hits when I checked on Kino KL's database. And Kino S'pore has Meg Cabot's sequel, Being Nikki already in its database and on the shelves even though it was just launched on May 5. Cinda Williams Chima; Kino KL? Nada. Adrienne Maria Vrettos? Negative. Francisco X. Stork? Nope. The library has all of them. It even has Julie Linker, which of course, Kino KL does not. They should seriously think about replacing the person stocking or merchandising their YA section.

Need I say I couldn't find even a hint of Maggie Stiefvater's Lament when I was looking for it in KL last year? It's there now but of course, in the hardback version and not the cool paperback version.

I hope someone updated their online database coz I couldn't find Percy Jackson & The Last Olympian on it and I'd just bought a copy from Kino S'pore yesterday. If they don't have The Last Olympian there yet, then they are TOTALLY UNCOOL.

Generation Dead: Kiss Of Life is launching on May 12. I can expect KL NOT to have it on the shelves. I'm just wondering if I'll be able to wait till the library here gets it into their collection. If I don't, then I'll have to buy Generation Dead from Kino S'pore too. Sigh. And there I was commending myself on keeping my book spending in check.

Shucks, what the hell am I gonna do with the RM200 Kino KL gift voucher my sis got me for my birthday?!


Ling said...

Cheh... everyone knows KL is so not book-happening. Actually, KL is so not anything-happening... except Mat Rempit-happening and stupid politicians-happening.

But I'm sure you can find stuff to buy with your 200 bucks :p

OMG OMG OMG!!!!! I wanna read the Last Olympian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ashkarya said...

heheh. i can bring the last olympian back with me. want?

Ling said...

want want WAAAANNTTTTT!!!


marineko said...
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marineko said...

Last Olympian is out here, but the ugly Penguin cover. Still waiting for the US hardcover, so I haven't bought it yet!

Ashkarya said...

Damn weird la, Kino KL. They have the US paperback, not the hardcover in Kino Sg. I bought it. I don't understand why they don't have it here. Also, when I was looking for Lament last year, I got the paperback version in Sg and it's not the paperback they have here. So I don't understand the BS they're giving you about the books being in hardcover and not paperback. I think they're not doing a good enough job here.

Ashkarya said...

Oh, and that's not the ugly paperback (Last Olympian) that they have in Kino KL.

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