Thursday, May 07, 2009

The World Is Sophie's Sticker Book

There are some awesome sticker books out there and Sophia has quite a few of them. Some of the stickers are so pretty that I couldn't bear her sticking them on just any piece of paper, only to be thrown out once she's done with them. And I don't have any special mounting boards for her to display them on.

So I improvised.

So far, her farm animal stickers are all over Jack Prelutsky's My Dog May Be A Genius, quite fitting actually, since it's a book of Prelutsky's wacky poems. Seriously, the animals are dotted all over the front and back cover as well as the inside sleeves.

Her other, real-life looking stickers can be found on the inside of Alison Goodman's Dragoneye Reborn and most recently, Gayle Forman's If I Stay. How do you bring yourself to chuck away perfectly beautiful stickers of purple orchids, luscious red strawberries and jet-black cats?

You stick them on the insides of your book.


Ling said...


I bought her another book a few weeks ago. From BookAxcess.


Ashkarya said...

waaaaahhh!!! more books!!! yaaaaayyyy!!!

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