Wednesday, July 01, 2009

From Warm To Cool

Finally! After a year of plodding through my books under dim yellow lights (the blurb on the bulb box says 'warm white' but don't be fooled) I couldn't take it anymore and chucked all the energy-saving yellow bulbs for white ones. Also energy-saving.

The blurb on the box, this time though, says 'cool daylight'. And it is such an improvement. It's so bright now that I only need to turn on one of the two lights in the dining/living room to sufficiently light up the whole area. Well, that and the fact that each light structure actually demands eight, yes, EIGHT bulbs to power up.

Can you imagine the energy cost if we didn't use energy-saving bulbs?

I'm now bathed in bright, white light, HALLELUJAH!!

I see the light.

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