Monday, August 15, 2005


Looks like the hair's a hit! Especially to those who can't remember what I look like in short hair or who haven't seen me in it.

Alternatively, my two best buddies had this to say when I emailed them a pix of my short new do, "aiyah, we've seen you in short hair before mah!". Heheh, so much for being enthusiastic for me.

No matter, I know them well enough.

Good reactions all around to the new short crop. People at the office are like, "wah!" and the salsa gang is quite happily surprised too. More so than I'd thought. Especially Sam. Heheh, I should do this more often: change my look.

Rizal said to me, "You look like a boy! From the back anyway."

Oh well...I'm happy. Feel like a load of junk's off my head (and shoulders) AND I don't have to contend with irritatingly messy hair, urgh! And I don't look like I'm balding!!! Hahahaha!! Got some of the incredibly high forehead of mine under shadow.

Kudos to Sean, my stylist.


Anonymous said...

Hey there boy!! :D

Ashkarya said...

eh, who dat? the hubby?

Anonymous said...

Hahahah!!! Nice try, but no cigar..

Ashkarya said... no smoke cigars, hubby neither. lemme guess: chin lai? about the only other person who reads my crap. hubby? justin? but then again jus don't read my crap...hmmm...'tis a mystery.

Anonymous said...

Aren't you a wee bit free today?

Ashkarya said...


Anonymous said...

The Ling's similarities continues! I just saw Ai Ling's old pictures at SUNY Buffalo, and you guys look sooo alke with short hair... muahahahahaha!

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