Thursday, August 11, 2005

So far so good

Not bad. My ETEN is still surviving. I think it's been two or more weeks. I've dropped it twice (both times from my table to the carpet at the office), I've jostled it around in my handbag. It's still working and in good condition.

I've only messed up once: deleted my contacts folder from my outlook when i synced to my T41.

Other than that, it's as good as a phone cum pda can be lah though the camera sucks and the battery life leaves more to be desired.


Anonymous said...

It looks cool.. but I would much prefer a notebook and a phone. How many times have you used the wifi feature? :p How long does the batteries last anyway.

Ashkarya said...

hmm...well. the o2 mini looks cooler. but the pda phone is easier to lug around than a notebook, dontcha think? have not set up wifi yet. batts don't last long. must charge every night on regular usage. that sucks.

Anonymous said...

Well, since you don't use the wifi, I assume you only use it for a (shock horror) phone? and maybe its address book, reminders? What's the diff.. Give in.. Get Nokia-ed. ;)

Ashkarya said...

no, files are in there. pricing, costing, etc. no porn. some mp3s. i've used the camera and uploaded the pix into my t41. see?! who says girls can't use gadgets?

Anonymous said...

Well, you can also edit the word and excel docos on certain Nokia models. The batteries of the Nokia's seems to last longer than most of the other brands. Plus their "simple" interface, is still a winner to me.

Ashkarya said...

hmm...well i already bought this one, so it's gotta last me at least another 2 years before i start looking around again.

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