Monday, September 12, 2005

Smart Alecks

I spent the weekend hovering between sick and tired. Friday night I had the sniffles, actually a continuation of the sniffles that started in the morning. By the time Friday evening rolled around, I was dead tired from all the sneezing throughout the day.

Saturday evening I was scheduled to attend the studio party, however that had to be shelved because I felt a gnawing pain in my throat and a different kind of runny nose had started. Not my usual sinusy runny nose but a flooded, stuck-in-your-throat kind of cold. So I ended up retiring early while the hubby started his game with his buddies downstairs.

It was a fitful sleep. Not because of the raucous boys downstairs, but because of my smart aleck cats. I'm convinced that I need to do something about a) the kitties opening the bathroom door (it's a sliding glass panel door with no latch) or b) putting up a mosquito screen at the bathroom window. I was plagued by mossies for the most part of the night. I killed one sometime in my tossings and turnings (a blotch of dried blood on my pillow proved so) but I couldn't kill the other that was left around buzzing in my ear and plonking itself on my arms for a succulent meal of fresh blood.

Like I said, I'm convinced it was the kitties, namely Trixie, who nosed her way into sliding the bathroom door open and letting loose the mossies in my room because the same thing happened last night. I had a mossy-ridden sleep. And I woke up to find the bathroom door had slid open by half a foot and the two brown culprits staring (one guiltily, and the other startled) at me from the mat in front of the door.

My kitties are too smart.

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