Tuesday, September 13, 2005


I was walking in SS2 today, intent on my destination.

A non-descript man, possibly in his 40s or 50s maybe, dressed in a blue t-shirt and jeans approached me with a packet of pens. I slowed my pace just a tiny bit but continued walking.

"Miss, please buy."

I gave the packet a passing glance and continued walking on.

"Miss, please help me. Miss, no one will give me a job," he says in a shaky voice.

By the time he'd finished his sentence I'd walked on and left him talking to the air. I was in a hurry and I had somewhere to go.

Right after he'd finished his sentence, a heavy weight of guilt presses on me. I turn back to look and he's just come out of a shop with his packet of pens.

The weight of guilt stays with me. I can't shake it and I realise my problems are so small compared to the problems of others.

I ask the one above to look over the man.

I tell myself if he's still around when I'm done with my appointment, I'll buy a packet of pens off him.

When I come out about an hour later, he's nowhere to be seen.

I could have made a small difference, but I gave up the chance.

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