Monday, April 23, 2007

Clumsiest Oaf I Know Who's a Cat

In the mornings as we lounge around in bed, the boy, as is his custom tramples all around in bed trying to get our attention. From the foot of the bed where he sleeps, he will trot or plod up to where we're lying on our pillows and plonk his fat ass down and stare at us. After we give him the customary pat or nuuzzle on the head, he will head back to the foot of the bed and wait for either of us to really get out of bed and feed him his breakfast.

The boy is so fat that sometimes manouvreing his way across limbs and bolsters and pillows gets the better of him. There's just too much of him to get across all the obstacles unscathed with his dignity intact.

Yesterday was once such time.

He ended up clumsily stumbling like a drunken sailor, stepping first over my arm and then onto Rizal's leg trying to get back from our pillow to the foot of the bed. From our vantage point, he looked like he about sprawled splay-legged across our bodies, with hind legs akimbo and fat belly dangling about, almost falling flat on his face before he reached his destination and plunked down on his belly.

I swear it was the funniest, most ridiculous thing I've ever seen a cat do. But I wouldn't mind seeing more of those it it means I get to laugh my heart out.

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